What does New Beginnings do?
We provide, through registered referral agencies, ‘Newborn Bundles’ for the most vulnerable mothers in our communities. These generally consist of a Moses Basket filled with toiletries and clothing for the first six weeks or so of a new baby’s life, gifted to families in need. We operate on donations from the public, and are volunteer led.
About us……..
New Beginnings provides Moses Basket packs for the most vulnerable mothers and their new babies in our community. To safeguard the recipients of our New Beginnings packs we do not meet the end user but take referrals from midwives, health visitors and other agency workers. The packs are then taken out to the families by the person who has made the referral.
Our New Beginnings Baby Bundles packs contain a Moses Basket filled with clothing, toiletries and essential equipment gifted to families in need.
Most of the contents of our packs are donated by our generous community. We process the donations as they come in and pack up lovely parcels of Moses Basket, clothes, toiletries and other essential items ready to be taken out as gifts to families in real need. We believe that for some of our families this may be the nicest thing that they have ever received and take pride in making our newborn bundles the very best we can.
At present we are only able to supply starter packs to women in the Sandwell area due to storage and the fact our items are donated.
Referrals are made via the help of midwives, health visitors and other professional groups, who work directly with these families. Our New Beginnings volunteers then lovingly collect sort and package a Moses Basket newborn bundle of clothing, toiletries, and essential baby equipment as an attractive gift to the new mothers, who then receive the gift hopefully about a month before the due date.
Our Baby Bundles include the following:
1 x Moses Basket with BRAND NEW mattress
1 x Size 1 Nappies
1 x Size 2 Nappies
3 x packs baby wipes
1 x pack nappy sacks
1 x Baby Shampoo
1 x Baby bubble bath,
1 x Baby liquid soap
1 x Baby lotion,
1 x Baby Oil
1 x shampoo for mum
1 x toothbrush for mum
1 x shower gel for mum
1 x toothpaste for mum
1 x deodorant for mum
1 x pack breast pads
2 x packs maternity towels
1 x Baby sponge
1 x bag cotton wool
3 x muslins cloths
1 x hooded baby towel
2 x Moses basket sheets
4 x baby blankets
4 x baby toys
1 x bundle of vest - newborn to 3/6 months (approx. 10 in each bundle)
1 x bundle of sleepsuits - newborn to 3/6 (approx. 10 in each bundle)
1 x bundle of outfits - newborn to 3/6 (approx. 10 in each bundle)
4 x cardigans
5 x bibs
5 x pairs mitts
5 x hats
5 x pairs socks/tights
3 x baby shoes
1 x coat
1 x snowsuit
1 x Box of chocolates
1 x Congratulations Card
This service is offered free of charge, simply to care for those in need within our community.
We are grateful for all help offered, so if you can spare an hour a year, an hour a week or anything in between we would love to have you join us! Our volunteers are a really friendly group and always happy to welcome new people. We are also happy to make use of any specific skills you might have to offer. Please speak to Carrie for more information.
Everything we give away is donated by our amazingly generous community. If you are in a position to purchase toiletries while shopping, or pass on good quality second hand 0-6 mths baby clothes they will always be put to very good use.
We are very careful with our funds and have fundraising events, because we do on occasion need to purchase items. Every basket has a brand new mattress which we purchase from a supplier.
All your generosity enables us to make our Moses Baskets beautiful gifts for mums and babies who are experiencing hard times. Thank you so much!
Moses Baskets
Newborn Nappies (sizes 1 & 2)
Nappy Bags
Baby Wipes
Baby Shampoo
Baby Lotion
Liquid Baby Soap
Baby Sponges
Shampoo for Mum
Shower Gel for Mum
Toothbrush for Mum
Toothpaste for Mum
Breast Pads
Maternity Pads
Baby Towels
Muslin Cloths
Small Baby Blankets
Moses Basket Baby Sheets
Newborn - 6 mths Baby Clothes
Small Baby Toys
Cotton Wool

St Mark's Church
Thimblemill Road (corner of Hales Lane
Smethwick B67 6LP
Monday to Thursday - 9 till 1
Weekends - closed
Please email babybundles@newbeginningscommunity.co.uk to arrange collection/drop off

Information for Referral Agents
New Beginnings - Contact Details
Email: babybundles@newbeginningscommunity.co.uk
Facebook: New Beginnings Oldbury